Sunday, October 4, 2009

You cagey son of a bitch!

In lieu of watching the goofy fucks on the Fox pregame show, some musings on SNL:

-the Digital Short was stupid and mocking.
-Why do they keep rolling out that Deep House Dish, techno talk-show? At least come up with a premise if you want to dress up in weird costumes. I think Madonna and Gaga just broke a time vortex or some shit.
-Has anyone ever done a good A'nold impression? Schwarzenpecker does a good one, come to think of it.
-Update was a lot better than the Thursday version, this week. Saving jokes, or did more happen in the last 2 days. Eh, who cares.
-Funniest sketch all night, and I wouldn't think it on paper: Gaga and Samburg in the same "bubble" dress.

By the way, why didn't you guys watch Sit Down, Shut Up when it was on (remaining, un-aired shows having been running on Saturday nights, set your DVR)? It's basically Arrested meets Clone High, minus famous people as characters. I-er-uh!

Go Bears! Followed by a nap! Followed by Simpsons! Followed by the Seth MacFarlane [sp] block! Followed by Sunday night work-week depression and suicide contemplation (jk)!

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